26 May, 2014

Fake friends

Hey! Teggy's here. This week we'll talk you about friendship. Let's start!
Ok, sooo lot of girls broke 3 weeks ago when we write about love. I'll break now.

In kindergarten everything was amazing. But than in 1st grade all changed. My BFF from kindergarten started to hanging out with (let's call my ex BFF C and this girl B) B. And C totally forgot me. In 6th grade I released that she just want to use me. Today C is dead for me! In 4th grade my sister went to Skype and she started to joke with one my friend. She told terrible things to my friend and all time she pretended that my sister is I! That broke me, too and today we are good frienda but not as then.
Than 5th-8th grade we aren't in class with friends from 1st-4th. I thought that everything will be better in new class and it was. M is like sister to me today and I can tell her everything. <3 In August 2013, Cor(ny) made a group 4ever Nutellache hh :) and we became BFFs! Thank you Corny for that and for my awesome nickname. <3 PLNG are amazing girls. I haven't actually mest them but I hope I will one day. <3 I supposed to go to Italy in May and then met Helena but she didn't go so I didn't too. Pezz is so sweet girl. <3 We have same interests and 7/8/2013 was the best day ever. <3 With Lans I chated everyday last summer when I was bored. And with Laura I have second blog. :) Mia is my little sis (not in real life). She is so nice to everybody and I hope she'll come back soon in Bosnia. <3 They are my sunshine. They are here everyday for me. And I for them. <3 Last weekend I saw B and C together and I asked B (because she's something like my BFF now) where she was that afternoon and she lied me. Lied in my eyes! I just pretended like OK but inside I was angry. B knows that she can't hanging out with C but she don't care. Today on English lesson we read about friends and I sit in last road. Teacher said that we must write at least 5 things about friends. My eyes were full of tears I just wanted to cry and nobody saw it. Here you can read my words: Do you know when people say that boy friends are better than girl friends?It's true!You just have to find a boy/boys who you'll trust.It doesn't mean that you 2 should be in relationship you can just be friends :) This is literally quote that describe me.I can't hate my fake friends more.So, I hope you'll give me some pieces of advice in comments what should I do.And you can tell us your problems and we'll help you ;) Don't forget,it's not important how friends have you or om how many birthdays were you,it's important if anyone of them loves you. <3

Thank you all who read our blog every day. If you have Ask, ask us :)


  1. Advice? Ignore :)
    If you have at least one real friend,you shouldn't have any though bout fakers ;)

    1. Thank you. I have PLNG and M and L and D. Actually D is the only who understands me in school. And she's always with me.
