02 May, 2014

love can hurt

Hello people :)
I was really excited to hear opinions about love and experiences from other girls. But they didn´t realised the task so they write a lots of things what yeah I can agree with mostly.

But I can´t agree that all is love as called LOVE. I agree that we have to love each other like sisters and friends. And I love you all and the most plng. But I don´t agree that is LOVE. I know that for love you have to have 2 persons and that you probably don´t know what it is until you get your first crush. And I get it why my friends don´t know what love is, because they have never really been in love with someone. But I know what it is. Unfortunately I know this to well. I was preparing mentaly for this post all week and I´m still not ready enough but I must and I want to share my love story with you. When I was 6th grade like Lora and Cor I thought that I know excatly what love is. But you know what? I´ve no idea what it is. My first crush were on 26.02.2011 thats right I know the date too and you will to one day when you get your first crush or you already know? I had never tought that I´ll in love int hat boy. Why? Well he was not really the prettiest guy and besides he was my best friend and I known almost all his secrets. And actually when he asked me for a relationship I was like WHAT? And I thought that he was kidding me and that is sure some bet. All night I had been thinking I said yes but what if he punch me like a dirty ball second day or what if he just want to use me and I know I´ll get closer to him and what if he hurt me then. I couldn´t sleep all night because I´ve been thinking all posible worst explanations but what is the most interesting that night I didn´t thought it is real even on a second. I only tought ˝it is joke,he wants played me sure he want˝ But second day actually night I was sure that he actually like me a lot. He kissed me and it was the best night we spend together. I won´t forget it never. 26.02.2011 thank you what you were real. But with every love comes fights and problems. We were in Roma for 6 days and our relationship was perfect but then we came home. We said that we are in relationship to some people. And all started to falling apart. People only know to tease you. Even if you begging them to help you not to tease you but they are even worse. I was shocked when my best friend followed us to our very first date in Croatia. I was so ashamed I mean that were my best friends and what I should say to him ˝oh sorry they are just I don´t know looking us˝ That was so embarasing. But he geto ver that. But he was angry because of so stupid things. He just stoped talking with me. I was desperate. I didn´t know what to do I tried everything but nothing he just didn´t want to talk. We didn´t even break up like with words we just stoped talking what hurts more than anything else. And then he began to look for a new girlfriend but he screwed because he started with my best friends in hope that he´ll find me in them but none wanted to be with him because they´ve known how much he broke me and besides they were my friends they will never do that to me. And then one said yes. I was falling apart when they start to tease her like they tease me before. I was broken and then I find out they broke up. They´ve bee nin relationship for one day. It was so weird because she seem to be happy. And then he started to chase me again. And I was so in loved that I was falling on every word he said(I still am. I can´t geto ver that) But once I decided to move on and I ge tin relationship with his friend and I wasn´t enjoying at all. It was so weird because this was such a kid. And I even cheated him with other guy in summer. I was so desperate that I just wanted to enjoy at least a little bit. And it was really nice with that summer guy but it last only a week because you know it was a summer love. And I was still with that guy friend who was such a kid and I broke up with him and I´m glad I did. And I can tell you I´ll and I am trying so hard to forget my first love. To move on liveing. But I can tell you one thing I´ll never forget him. It will be probably even much harder than it was and it was pretty hars but I won´t forget him ever. If I´m still breathing I´m breathing for him, I´m breathing because of him. Everyone says to me let it go Helena, he is stupid, he don´t deserve you. But they just makeing it worse and worse, when they said that I´m even more broken because I don´t hear this like he is stupid, he don´t deserve I hear exact opposite you are stupid, you don´t deserve him Helena. I could only tell you whatever you said to me he is perfect and I´ll love him forever. And if I´m breathing and he is too I won´t let it go. I won´t give up never! I wasn´t been through so much for no reason. I´ll always pray and hope ´till my last breath. I don´t care what others are going to say I love him and I always will no matter what. 

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