25 September, 2014

Facts 'bout Lora:)

Hellooo :D Here I am, there you are reading this so let's get to the point xD These are some random things/facts about me that I wrote down when they popped up in my head.

1. I hate my nickname (Lora) but I have no others so whatever
2. When we had the conversation about the blog (what will be its name and which day will each post I wasn't included and they didn't wait for me and I had to agree to everything they said -_-
3. I was thinking about leaving this blog, readers don't like me anyway so nobody will notice.
4. I was never someone's fav or best friend. Always (for example) a fifth or not even on the list. They just tolerated me. Never had those Facebook post-worthy crazy moments with my bff. I don't have a bff actually.
5. I like plush toys and I have some on my bed :3 And I have that teddy you get when you're born and it looks like me xD
6. So a few days ago Tonka asked me am I gay... #awkward (I'm not xD)

7. I eat only Spanish oranges, my lips itch after eating Turkish oranges.
8. Oh yeah I have an obsession with oranges. An addiction, you could say xD

9. I can eat a lemon without making faces.

10. Pezz and I used to hate each other, but now we don't. You know what they say, opposites attract. Hell, no, not in that way I didn't mean it in that way...
11. I'm socially awkward.
12. I once ran away when my crush approached my group of friends.
13. Now I hate karla
15. There's one pic on my phone that I'll regret forever. It's the first pic I took with my phone and karla and I are on it -_- *rolleyes* I also have an edit she made. It's us and a pic of Ross Lynch. I cut her out off of it.
16. I like talking in songs and I annoy people with that.
17. I start randomly dancing in the middle of the school... Yeah...
18. Somethin weird<3
19. I manage the look of this blog: I put polls (no, not pools), tell the others we have readers from new countries and I think I'm the only one that visits our Ask.fm and Twitter.
20. Peanut butter makes me puke. The taste of it stays in my mouth for two days. I also puke when I smell it. Ew. But I do like peanut though.
21. I have 30 notes on my phone. They are like my diary. That's why I have a complicated password.
(Update: I now have 100 notes on my phone.)
22. I prefer winter over summer

23. I made tons of funny pics last year when I met the girls and they are actually the reason to me becoming a PLNG.

24. I can laugh like a witch

25. I'm in the group of gifted students of my school.

26. I learn Spanish over Duolingo.

27. I adore whole-nut chocolates

28. I grew up in a street full of boys and I was always the goalkeeper in football/soccer.

29. I like to write stories & poems

30. My mom and I used to listen to the 80's songs. Queen rocks:3

31. In 4th grade, my friends made me enter a singing competition while we were on a 4-day trip and I totally froze. Everyone sang Croatian songs with karaoke and since I'm special, I sang an English song which the hosts didn't have the lyrics to (I knew them but karaoke are better). I didn't even have the melody. I let out just a few words that broke the silence that seemed it lasted forever. Million stares in my direction. Nope. Nope.

32. I used to be a tomboy but I'm girling up as I become a teen. Still won't wear dresses except special occasions. No to sandals and flats, yes to high heels (but momma says no :( ). Still playin football with my cousin on hot summer days. Ponytails, T- shirts and shorts.

33. I didn't sleep the whole January 1st, 2014 (A stupid and random fact, just so you know I can stay awake for two days)

34.I won't wear earrings nor necklaces. Only bracelets but only the "soft" onesI hate the ones that look like chains or (look like) are golden.

35. I say thanks a lot. I'm just so thankful! I feel like people are gonna get offended if I don't say thank you.

36. I wanna help the poor and the hungry in Africa and all over the world. I'm so sad I can't do that. My mom says I have a good soul. 

37. Lion King is the best Disney animated movie. Ever. *loading you with tons of Lion King photos*

38. Tonka and I made a PLL parody on ''When you're happy.'' Lana and I made a PLL parody on Ariana's Problem.

39. I wanna go to that place where you get a gun and shoot targets. I also wants to own a gun and shoot from a bow and arrow.

40. I'm nuts for nuts xD I like those nuts umm from India (I think, they are called INDIAN nuts xD) and I love papaya cubes and all kinds of dried fruits. 

41. My crush said I'm the best at English omg :') well I am but he said it *-* 

42. My cousin lives across te street and he's my BBF (best boy friend) 

43. I love thights, I hate jeans. Sweatpants are used for the opposite of what they were made for.   Don't even think about making me put a skirt on >-< 

44. I'm talking random things now bc I don't know more facts.... Well... My fav PLNG is Hel and I think she's the most like me. 

45. I love physics and chemistry. And maths. And I'm good at it. I go on Maths competitions

46. I thought myself how to play the keyboard. 

47. I was an actor ever since I was a kid. I used to fake something or make a drama and I'd actually fool someone. When I do that now, my mom says "Go to your room and count the Oscars" xD 

48. My mom calls me Smurfette cause I look like the brunette Smurfette cause I am brunette and pale and cause my nose looks like hers xD

50. Follow me on Instagram (@loratheorange) and Twitter (@LOLora333)

Oh my God I wrote that for an hour

Well glad that's over

Read me next week


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