23 November, 2014

good and bad sides of history class

We all have some subject that we love, but also have own negative sides. Herkules and Tippy have one too. And that is history. We will try to explain why history is good and what are negative sides of this subject. So here we go. We will start with good sides.


By Herkules: I love history because I can find out some really interesting things from past. I can learn something about every culture in the past well even in the present. There are really tons of useful informations in this subject. From history we find out how easy actually our life is now. You can´t really know if everything what they say is true because well it is hard to believe that we can know how it was 1000 years before in ancient Egypt but we have some informations and interesting finds out about that. Without history we would never know who our grand grand family was or where are we from. Without history it would be hard to improve our lives, even to live them sometimes. History is very useful thing in our lives. We should never forgive that.

By Tippy:
-You can find out about life before you.
-You can find out somebody's mistakes and you can fix them (if you can).
-You can have fun on the class.

-You can find out more about your country's history.

By Tippy:
-Classes are boring sometimes.

-Sometimes there are so much facts.

By Herkules: Well, it can get really boring. Why? Because of all that many years which we have to know and silly informations about which we don´t care. Sometimes we wonder why I have to know about the past of some ancient Roma in details when I even don´t want to know my past. The truth is that Croatian history is very long and complicated with a lot of wars and similar things. And sometimes it gets really messy with all facts. So it is not so easy to learn. We hate to learn every small detail and history is full of them. This are some of the reasons why we sometimes even start to hate history as the subject.

What do you think about history?
Love you all yours

~Herkules & Tippy

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