02 April, 2015

Stop cancer, water for everyone and peace to the world

Hey! :)
Today, I'll tell you what would I do if I hade three wishes.

My first wish would be stopping the cancer. I hate see people in pain. I know so many people who had it and it was horrible not only for their families, it was horrible for me because I can't imagine people close to me die. And I don't know if you know about Katie but I was praying for her so hard and it was all lie. -.-

Second would definitely water for everyone because we need water for our lives. For all our African friends and everyone alse where draught is.

And last one would be peace to every single piece of this Earth. With only nice news every day. Can you imagine world like thid?

This post is kinda short but I hope you like it. Answer QOTD.
QOTD: If you had three wishes, would would you wish for?

With love,

1 comment:

  1. Hey :)
    I love PLL so much. :=)
