23 August, 2014

Life ruiners

Hey guys! Did ya miss me? I'm sorry I didn't post in a while, I was hella busy and had lots of things on my mind. I missed a couple of good themes but here I am now :D

Drugs- when you take it once, you can't stop. You'll spend money on it. I'm not gonna repeat what Tonka said, although she was right. This messes with your mind, you don't know what's real and what's pretend. Some of them are dangerous for life, you can die by consuming them only a couple of times. Yes, they are that strong.

Alcohol- "Well, adults consume them, why can't I? It's not that dangerous, I'll just have a cup or two." I don't  wanna sound like a teacher or something so I'll leave the alcohol thing to your parents. But if you really want my opinion here it is: There's a beverage in my country, it's actually alcohol but it doesn't make you drunk from one or two cups. I didn't drink it, I used to dip my finger in it and lick my finger but that was it XD I'm not telling you you can drink (okay i'm bad at this). I mean you can if you're 18+ but still be careful. And if your younger than 18, well... ask your parents for permission.

Smoking- It's a bad thing. A few of my family members smoke and I hate that fact. That's pure poison. It attacks your lungs and liver and they look like you soaked them in ink. They're THAT black. And not to mention smoking causes cancer and other kinds of diseases dangerous for life. Just think before you do, okay? It can mean a lot.

Some people cut when they're depressed. Sometimes it's because other people cause they are mean and rude to them. If you're bullied or something like that and you head for the razor remember it's not the only solution. Actually, it's not even gonna solve your problems. It's just gonna make it worse. If you're deep in something, ask for help. It doesn't have to be a professional, you can ask for advice from your friends or parents. There are support groups for such people, too. But remember, don't cut. It doesn't solve your problems. You know how they say you only know you've been high when you're feeling low? Well, that's true. And if you're depressed and feeling like you can't go lower that's also true. You're at the lowest point - now you can only go up!
If you notice a kid at school being bullied, call a teacher. If someone doesn't have friends, smile to them. You might just help him get off the path of depression and cutting. A smart woman named Tammin Sursok posted this on her Instagram profile:

Drugs, alcohol, smoking, cutting. They're all stupid mistakes that we make. Mistakes we make when we're sad, lonely, frustrated etc. I want you to know I'm not trying to teach you a lesson today (tbh I hate when people do that -_-). I'm just gonna tell you something important in life, something you better remember cause society will attack you with bad things like this and you have to strike back, saying no as loud as you can (well not literally cause they'll think you're crazy but you know what I mean). You have to say no and stand behind it. Nobody can force you into doing something you don't want to. So what if they're bullies? So what if they threaten you? They might be strong on words and muscles but when you say something and stick to it you are the strongest human being on earth. If they really start to punch you or something, run and call an adult or police. Okay, I'm getting off topic now.
Remember: Think before you do. You might just save your life.

Hopefully I helped :)

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