06 August, 2014

The ugly big secret

Hi y'all.Mia here.My story is called 'The secret door'
Sorry I didnt write yesterday <3

Sophia lived with her rich parents and she was rich too lol duuh.She had no siblings and she was really lonely all the time.She didn't go to school,teachers would come to her.
When she was little,her mom died because she got really sick,the doctors didn't know how to help.
Sophia was so so sad.Her mom use to sing and everyone knew who she was.Sophia was only 6 when her mom died.Years later,Sophia grew up into very beautiful lady.She had beautiful voice but her dad didnt let her go in singing school cause' he was afraid that the same thing would happen to her,she would get sick on tour and die. *lol.-not in the script haha*
But Sophia knew she has to sing because her mom was he idol.
Her aunt came to live with her dad,his -not yet wife-(he had a girlfriend lol) and Sophia.
Sophia was happy because she loved her aunt like a mother.
Angie(her aunt) worked in singing school which was great cause she could sent Sophia in.
After a while Sophia was in new school and had so many friends.Her dad thought she was going in real school.After everyone notice that Sophia has a singing talent,great show was coming and Sophia was the lead role in it.Her dad found out and went on it.When Sophia saw him,she freaked out and forgot the lines.A boy was whispering her and while doing that slipt and big lighting fell on Sophia.That day,she died.

 Haii.Sorry for this boring post,inspired by 'Violetta' but Violetta didnt die at the end lol.
Cacth me up every Tuesday,here on PLNG!

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