20 March, 2015

If I were a boy...

Hey! :)
T's here with this really interesting theme. So let's write it.

It would be so awkward and I don't know why. I mean, I would hang out with some awesome friends from my class and no one would think there is something between us. But again, I wouldn't hang out with some girls who really like me (even there is only 2 in my class.) Boys are strong and you won't so easy get informations about them or aynthing else. You won't know what is going on in his family because they are shy even they don't look like that. They are, more than me and trust me, I am very, very shy. I was thinking about it but if I could be only one day in my life but I can dream, right? I don't know.

Well, that was it. And I have one important question to ask you - would it be ironic if you die in living room? Comment down below in comments.
Love y'all,

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