07 December, 2014

My dream jobs

Tippy's here and this week's theme is dream jobs.
I know it's too late for posting but never mind.
Let's get started!

1. Librarian

I think it is amazing job because books are all around you and you can read them anytime you want to. I spend most free time in school in library because librarians are so nice and they help you anytime. That's just one more thing why I want to be it. 

2. Teacher

I've wanted to be teacher since I was a little child. My parents are teachers and maybe it is their fault, jk. xD I love school and everything about it so maybe it's because of that. It's hard their job but I still want to be it. 
I believe teachers can help and save children. They can be their best friends. When somebody makes something horrible to you, you will thell that to your teacher, right?
When you say "thank you", "please help me" or anything else you will see a little smile on their face because that is what makes them happy in their job. When they correct tests and after all bad tests they come on one really good they will be happy because they know you study for it and you listen her in the class. Teachers can help young people to reach their goals and if they reach it teacher can be proud of yourself. 
If you are teacher you will have all weekends and summers off. 

Hope you enjoyed in this post and see ya tomorrow in winter post. 
Love y'all,

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