17 October, 2014

Die Welle

Die Welle or on englisch The Wave is a german movie based on real events.

 It is great and interesant because it is different from other movies. It is all reality from today. The end is not happy. This is one really special movie. You can´t imagine what will happen next because this movie is so unpredictable.
 I love the way how here are persons realistic. No one is perfect and no one is bad. They are all mixed up and have a lot of things messing with their head. They are made like a real teenagers in high school this days. I bet you all can find yourself and your friends in some of the charters.
 It´s perfect because it shows us that everything is not perfect and we can never predict what will envolve with one little project or just one little lie.
 I think that you can really learn a lot from this movie. It show us how we can´t be liars or jelaous or big faces on school but we have to have our personality and our own style and opinion. And first of all we have to stay and fight for our opinion. For that we think is right. We can´t let being what we are not because of group and we can´t stay too much in group and do everything what group does to. We have to learn how to say no.
 I really thinnk this movie is so perfect and I really want that you all see it. I want that this movie get some revard or something because movie is really excellent.

~Tell me what do you think here in comment when you watch it :)

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