29 August, 2014

part of summer by Herkules

Hello people :)
I´m back I was not posting last few times because Lora was posting on my day constantly(hope she would not today too because I saw her short unpublished post)  and I find it very stupid to publish my post that day too. And on that day which is free for writing I was just busy and I did not really know what day is. I often forget about that what day is. But now I´m here. Thanks tippy for reminding me. So lets get this theme started.

What I did this Summer? Oh there is so much to say on this. Although this summer is so raining in Croatia I actually did pretty amazing things this summer. So I think I will start from the beginning and then I would probably lose myself some where int he middle but please don´t bother with that. In June here was nice wetter and I was actually 3 day on the seaside and it was weekend right after school. And guess what there was so perfect. Why? There were nobody in June. It is so nice to come on the beach and you are one of few people there and only mad human who is swimming. I really love sea and no matter how cold would be I would always jump into and guess what I really enjoy that. I really can swim in sea even if outside is horrible storm. Nothing can compare sea. So as I said we were there only 3 day so it was not really long time but I had a great fun.
 When we came home there was my bike of course. I really love riding a bike and it´s even better with my friend. Every night I would sat on my bike and we would ride it and simply enjoy. I love speed and many people can be step with me on bike. Most of them think I am crazy but I just love cycling so damn much. 
That was how my days were passing but then one phone call change it all. Helena you are going on the seaside for 14 day with your aunt. And  I was like oh I don´t know would I go. But I went and I´m glad I did. True I was main babysitter but at least I swim every day and it was perfect. Although it was a little  bit boring when all of them were sleeping and I was like you are sleeping by the day like the fuck. But I went outside in the store and bought some chocolate, went in park and sat. And I had my plng on facebook so I chatted with them too. Most of the time with lans and tippy.
 I came home and it was so boring. It was raining every single day. There were nobody and then I started to watch some series and learn British accent. And so the day passed by. And when the sun finally comes out my best friend had to go to the Germany for 2 weeks and I was so bored. What I did then? Well I was over with most of series but I started to talking again with plng. But something happend and I was usually fighting with Lora again. I felt like I need our old chat back. And then cor went with that crazy idea let´s get it back. But something happend meanwhile I think it was between Lora and Cor and I was like what the hell I was trying so hard to get that chat back but they were fighting and then they did not wanted that any of them all of a sudden. And I was really disappointed because I tought they would be happy if we get back but they were actually against from the beginning and they just pulled me for my nose. But I will remember that and probably return one day. I maybe forgive easily but I´m never forgeting things. And yeah I forgot one oft he best moment sin this summer I finally meet Lana and it was so amazing I could not believe it myself either. And guys guess what this summer is not finished yet. And I have one really important performance. I mean it is not really that important but for me it is because I am planing one really stupid thing to do on that performance and I really hope it would be successful. If it would I will tell you all about it on Friday after.

That is all from me for today.

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