16 August, 2014

They're not just my idols, they've changed my life.♥

Hey lovelies!
I'm so glad this has become a theme for our posts because I can very proudly talk about my idols for days and I still wouldn't get out of words.
So,as my title says,they're not only my idols in the way I pretend I love them,but they both actually have very similar life stories as mine and if I wouldn't have found them and their stories I think that today I'd be a very miserable and non-sacrifising person because out of all people,they've helped me the most with those problems and I can't thank them enough for being my idols.

So let's hop into my first idol - Justin Drew Bieber 

Um,I don't know where should I even start from. I can proudly say I'm a Belieber for 4 and a half years now!!!
Without this guy I think my life wouldn't have any sense,my passion for music wouldn't have any sense either. You think for sure 'Oh she's just another crazy fan of him who only wants him to be perfect and sing perfect,so anytime he does something wrong she'll leave.' NO. I'm not leaving him even if he killed someone because he helped me through the hardest period of my life.At first I only listened to his music,but after a while I started to google his story and realized it's almost the same as mine.It's not easy to be all alone with your mom,without anyone else.I just fell in love with that harmony and peace in his music and his angel voice,it makes me feel so peaceful and beautiful in some kind of a way.When I watched Never say never I realized how big his heart is too.Other celebs use money on drugs and alcohol,but he,he donates thousands of dollars to hospitals and sick people.
To this day,that passion for his music still didn't die on me,but he has changed,I have to admit that. He's not the same old Justin I was soo fangirling about,he decided to drink a bit,to be around older women,and ok,I'll respect that,but I have a feeling he forgot a bit about his Beliebers.No more tours,no more songs,no more awards.I honestly don't know what happened,does Selena have an affect on that,but I still love him and I'll love him forever. Maybe he won't stay a loyal idol,but I'll stay a loyal Belieber.

And the second one - Troian Avery Bellisario 

Ok well this woman is a goddess. I thank Pretty Little Liars for discovering her because I love her to death and I admire her so so so much. You can't see that kind of talent for acting everyday,you really can't.Tell me who acted so well a mentally unstable person,or an injured person? She just has that passion for all the things she does and that's what really matters at your job. She's not like those other female celebs who care only about fame and everything,she actually wants to get away from all those cameras and paps and be alone with her soul,somewhere where no one sees her.And I can tell you I'm that kind of person too. She has no problems about talking about her thoughest moments in her life.Yes I'm talking about her eating disorder.When I got my copy of Seventeen and read her story I literally started to cry.Not only because you know you're idol went through such a thing,but because you almost went through it too. I never said that to anyone because it actually didn't happen,but I was so close to have a "meet&greet" with an eating disorder.She actually stopped me from going deeper,the point is,as I was reading her story I realized it's not the outer self-image that's important,it's your soul and your mind. As she'd say "Makeup is not what a woman makes." I can add- your soul is. Besides that I've learned so many other things from her and I can't,I really can't thank her enough. One day I just wanna meet her,or only tell her somehow that she brightened up my life in such a big way. #ProudBellisarian.

(I know I've put this pic already in one of my posts but can we just..??)

So that would be pretty much everything,feel free to comment who your idols are and why. :)                                      
And can we talk about this pic? Like how amazing would be if they
met omg? Anyway,I'm stopping here. till next week. xo,Lans       

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