01 August, 2014

7 Travel destinations

To travel the world, that is my biggest wish. Haven't you all wondered how come the world is so beautiful? Eiffel tower, The Statue of Liberty, etc. oh, and not to forget the beautiful coasts. These are places I wanna visit [Actually I wanna travel the world but Mia talked about that so...] and why.

[NOTE: This isn't a favorites list which means it's out of order, I don't like nr. one more than nr. 7. Actually, I'm going from the biggest continent to the smallest]

1. We're starting off with a country on the biggest continent - China! I'm fascinated with the Great Wall of China. Who hasn't heard of it? it's just so cool and the culture is so interesting.

2. Okay, so I love Africa, I'm not gonna deny that. But, honestly, I don't know why. Maybe cause the animals, the culture, The Lion King...

And I just love Egypt. Sphynx (hell yeah spelled it right #proud) and pyramids... But I'm sure Lans will tell ou all about this awesome country (she's an Egypt freak)

3. I love animals and I would really like to go on a safari and what's a better place for a safari than a National park! I'm talking about Kruger National Park, South Africa. I was always fascinated with South Africa and again I do not know why hahah xD Okay so you'll read a lot of ''I love this, I love that...'' but I just can't help it! When something is awesome, it's awesome (yes, I am aware of how this sounds). And who doesn't like animals?

4. Okay so I don't really know the names of national parks so I'm gonna say it like this: America has beautiful mountains (Appalachian Mts., Guyanese and Brazilian Highlands, Cordillera), lakes (Great Lakes, Titicaca), rivers (Mississippi, St. Lawrence, Amazon, Columbia, Colorado) and yes, I'm reading my geography book while writing this hahah xD I'm not really good with names so I had to check the book to be sure xD

5. Antartica. Yes I find it interesting although there is no human life there. As Tippi said, animals there are beautiful. This is just too adorable. And this, too, although it's drawn xd

6. Europe bitcheees xD Home continent of horses, goats, pigeons, lemons, olives, oranges, rice, ducks and meee yaaay xD hahah (yes, I copied the horses, goats etc. from a book (What came from Europe to America)). We have beautiful coasts. Norway has the most intended coast, Greece is on the second place and Croatia on the third place.

7. Yes, people, it's Australia! Beautiful coasts, exotic animals, Ayers rock, deserts (I mean deserts, not desserts) and 5SOS <3 (sorry, I had to xD ). Australia left me speechless so let the pictures speak.

Thanks for tuning in and sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was busy.
Oh and sorry for not posting last week. But do you really want me to talk about how perfect Ashley Benson is? I think we all know that ;)
I'm Lora and you're reading PLNG's blog.
Lora's out.

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