13 June, 2014

To find a summer boy

I can‘t say you much about how you can really find some boy of your dream. But I do know some tricks how to find one boy who can be only an adventur or maybe true love. On the beach there are always zillion guys but you first need to find that one you like. Than your game beginns. You can simply achieve anything what you want if you really want that. So the first thing is that you have to believe in yourself if you don‘t than how well it will probably fail because of you not anyone else. Summer is beautifull and there‘s no need for you to feel incomfortable. All guys love girls in badeingsuit. And all guys find girls who wear dresses very atractive. So why hide? Just show to that guys how glamourous you can look even in a beach dress. Walk straight with your head up. Don‘t let anyone to feel you bad. Just relax and finally be you without school,you who haven‘t anything to learn and finall ly can enjoy in this fresh summer air. As I said before boys on the becah well there is a lot of them. And if you want them to like you, you just have to be relaxed. Go play soccer with them, play volleyball, they‘ll like you if you are on the beach for fun not for raise your skintone. Boys really hate girls who only lies on the beach and care about beeing nicely toned. If you want your summer adventure to be good and with a boy. Go and have fun. Do some sport at the beach for fun,swimm,play pool and live your life like it‘s the finall day of it. Be optimistic, be adventouros and most important enjoy, even if you don‘t find love, you‘ll make some great friends on that way. ~Herkules

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