01 June, 2014

To infinity and beyond❤

Sooooooo.....Hi, welcome to another SWP:) YOu can guess that this week theme is Friends/friendship/all things like that haha So let's just start with this haha BTW. I have one idea so if you want I'll write more about it after so make sure you read everything;)

❤So I don't know should I start from when I was born or with my Internet friends haha I'll start from begginig so yeah. My  mum have friend and she has daughter that is my age. Okay, she is older 2 months. So we were always together and we were always fighting because she was always rude and I always hated her, I hated go to their place because I known that she will just show me her toys (which weren't fun) and she never gave me something so we could play. So yeah.. That's what I remember till age 4-5. Then we moved to small village and right next to my house  lived (she still live here) Elena. She is 2 years younger then me, and she was 2 or 3 when we met but we were like besties. We were fighting all day and all night but we were still besties.So yesterday we were at one house in wood so we are having a lot of fun wherever we are together haha And we were skating together and should I say how we crashed? haha My arm still hurts lool. So moving on... We were in fight with two girls from our street haha and when we were on playground (every day) we weren't fighting but we were screaming at each others and yelling hahahah Oh, memories....So moving on... I started going to school. That means no more all day with Elena. Now I needed study, go to school, do my homework and all that shits. So, we were together at weekends and whole summer. In school I met Tessa and Ivana and bunch another people but there were my best. Oh, I was fighting with everyone since I was 1st grade haha So Tessa became my best friend and were together forever and we are still best (I'll post pic of us) So there were small fights but and bigger one. But we are always best and we always come back somehow. We  don't even say sorry sometimes haha  So okay.... This is really hard to write because there is so many things I want to say but I can't explain haha Yeah, okay.. So last summer I met this perfect girls (PLNG) and we were friends like for week. I start telling them everything and they have done that too. So I met with Cor and I saw Lans and Cor when they met each other and I'm planning to spend summer with at least one of them. So they are my besties like forever. My sisters and oh, Cor is my twiny because we're almost same. And last week, ok this week there were small fight in our group chat and we show them that twiny power we have and yeah hahaha So... I really don't know what to say... OHOHOHOH  I remembered I need to tell you one more part haha So, I don't actually hang out with girls. Boys are better and I have 3 boysfriends (like friends, not crush)  and they are younger then me.. So first one is Niko(he is one year younger) and he is like crazy one haha Next one is Marko(two years younger) and he is like one with most funny stories lol and third one is Vinko (3 years younger) and he is one who is just like my younger brother. We go swimming tohether and we see each others almost every day but Niko is leaving swimming and I'm so sad but I'm sure we'll see each others more. So anyway I think that's it and sorry for short post but I promise that for 2 weeks there will be something HUGEEE because I'll choose theme then and I know it now, but shhh....Oh, I'm blonde one haha

❤My english is soooo bad. #sorrynotsorry
❤Follow me on instagram(@petrap222) and on Tumblr http://petrap222.tumblr.com/
So, now on my idea I was talking about before haha So, guys. I want film a videos, yeah I know... So I want you to say should I post videos here where I'm talking about theme or should I start YouTube channel? I really want you to say what you think because that is something what I love and I have bunge of videos on my phone that I film but I don't know should I post it or not. Anyway leave your comments what you think, I'd love to know what you guys think.
Well, that's it for today..Hope you like it and see ya in 7 days on SWP (Sundays with Pezz)

xoxo, Pezz


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