30 May, 2014

friendship or not?

I can´t believe how every thema is so heartbreaking to me. But I don´t know. It´s simply my life I suppose. This week thema is friendship. Everyone started from their 1st grade but I´ll start from my very first age. Yeah I had a friend when I was only 1 year old. And yess I do remember him. It was my neighbour, he was born exactly 9 months before me. And we were inseperable from the very first age. We always played together and  we were very happy together. Sudenly my cousin was born too. And then he became my best friend too. And  I always enjoyed playing with my cousin and my neighbour. They were the best. I mean they still are. And that´s how I grown up in male company so I always played soccer or war or similar games. Why? Well they were both boys and I really liked them and I didn´t matter their games. Actually I enjoyed in them. They never behaved liked I´m a girl and that´s why I´m not worth to play with them. They always asked me if I want to play something else. I played boy games, but they played girl games with me too. Although I dind´t like that someone touch my dolls expecially not boys. So we didn´t ever play with dolls. As a child I adore playing with cars. So I had my room full in cars. But I always had the one which was the best to me and when we played that always was my car. So as you can see I always played with boys and enjoyed their company so when I first met my female friend it was so weird. Why? Well I was 5 and my
grandpa and I was walking. Then her grandpa and she came and my and her grandpa started to talk. And I was like hello I´m Helena and you are beautifull (I didn´t ever say that). But we became best friends very fast. But still it was a little bit weird to me because before I had only male friends and female games were a little bit weird to me. But I soon get used to female games too. I was very happy child who always agreed with everything so I never really ge tinto fights. Only fight I was was around my car. Because I was and I still am very stubborn and when I think of something that has to be that way. And sudenly I was 6 and I had to go in something caled little school in Croatia where you are preparing for your first grade. And I was very happy when I get there first day. And there was my female best friend too. I was so happy that I have someone who knows me there because that was so much easier. And we were inseperable there because I don´t know we´ve just been best friends. In first grade we became three. That my best friend found another good girl and she became her best friend and I was feeling a little bit lonely but they turn me into it too. And my best friend explained me how she will have friends but I´ll always be the best. And we three became inseperable. And do well petty of stupid things in primary school from 1st to 4th grade. What happend then? They split us up in 2 classes. And then my first best friend stayed with me but our second friend were in another class. And that´s how we stopped to be so close with that another friend. When we came to the 5th grade we met three new girls. They were really nice and sweet. We known them from our school trips and even there we liked them and they liked us too. And we soon became best friends with 2 of them. Why just two? Well the tird one wasn´t so close with these two and she found another best friend. And than there it is. Who is left? Us 4 and we were best friends until the 8th class in primary school. And I had some other friends too but when I would start to write about them this would never ever be over so… What happend after 8th grade? I honestly don´t know. But two of my friends became so weird. And I was like omg I tought we were best friends what´s wrong with you guys, why you can´t go with me on a ride or in a walk just to talk. But one of them stayed and I am best friend with her still. Thank you God that she understand and please don´t take me her too. And that´s how we separated. I was best friend with that another friend from my 5th age and I never ever wonder that she would do something that to me and this my best friend now was so with our 4th friend but we separated so weird. I think that´s because how similar are we. I´m the most similar with my best friend now and this ex best friend with who I was the best from 5th ages is the most similar with that 4th one. At the summer I thought I found another best friend who was very similar to me. Then after a year I found out that she lied. She lied about so many things that I´m even ashamed to call her my friend. I had another summer friend and she is amazeing I´m still good with her. But I never felt like I´m her best friend or she´s mine. I only felt like she is my friend but not the best. I never ever felt like she´s the best with me. I suppose that´s bacause she was very close to other friends and it seems more than with me but that was exspecially because she stole my boyfriend too. Oh yeah I almost forgot my boyfriend. He was my best friend from the 2nd grade in primary school and he still the best. How he became my boyfriend? Well I think that I tell all in that story love but if I didn´t ask me what are you interested in. That my boyfriend is cousin of my ex best friend that one who I know from my 5th age and that´s actually how we met. And I think that she stops to be my friend because she was mad on me because I were with his cousin. But I don´t know. I really don´t understand girls. When I came into the secondary school actually in gimnasium. I tought I have friends but then they started to talk about me very bad thing, I mean you have all in last week thema bullying. But I found, I found 2 true male friends. And I realised male friends are so much better than the female ones. And of course they are still my friends, they are only what left good int his stupid class of mine. Thenks God that they are there, I would die if they wasn´t there. And for the end least but not last my Internet friends. I had pretty much Internet friends but none of them was really the one I soon stopped to talk with well many of them or they stopped with me. Don´t ask me why bacause I don´t have idea why. But then I meet this wonderfull people. I meet tons of pretty little liars fans and I became very close with them and I still am friends with all of them. And they are so amazeing, they are the best I can´t imagine where would I be without them. There are of course pllng they are my besties and they became that well I really don´t know how excatly but they did. But I know first it was Lana then Karla and then all others. But I now can´t imagine life without them. They are immature, crazy, don´t know how to act, jelaous and I hate when they start to be separed and find someone the best because I find all them them best. 

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