20 May, 2014

PLL in my life ❤

Hey! Teggy's here. I forgot yesterdAy to post this, so I will todAy.
PLL is my life. ❤
PLL And their cast meAn everything for me. ❤ 
They thought me About everything. They Are strong. ChArAchters And cAst. They are one big fAmily. 

I stArt with wAtching PLL in 2011 And until then I Am obssesed with them. 
Spencer is my favorite liAr And she Always wAs And she will AlwAys be. 
Sometimes I hAve dreAms with them. One weird wAs when I dreAmed LAnA & I wAs in cloAkroom And we wAtch where Are their clothes bought. :')
Every TuesdAy I wAke up, on 5 AM so I cAn tweet with ShAy And wAtch new PLL episode. I don't know how my life will be without PLL and SArA and Marlene. I'll never meet PLNG, we will never hAve this blog And you will never meet us. All Actors And Actreses Are reAlly tAlented.

I think Troian deserves OscAr for her Acting Spencer. ❤ You sAw (if you wAtch) her Acting. CrAzy Spencer, hAppy Spencer, funny Spencer, her teories... She is reAlly AmAzing. Spencer is my fAvorite, but I love All girls. :D Sometimes I wAnt to be smArt like she. And when is hArd in my life I just think About her. 

AriA is my 2nd love. I ship SpAriA so hArd. And I hAte myself becAuse I thought EzrA is A. EzriA is AmAzing relationship for me. AriA hAs AmAzing clothes. She hAs nice smile.
HAnnA is the funniest for me. Sometimes she hAs reAlly smArt And surprisingly quotes. ❤ I don't ship TrAnnA, HAleb is for life. 
I wAnt friend like Emily is.  She is nice to everybody. I wAnt to be strong like she is. I don't like PAige, Emison is my fave. 
Alison. Missing girl.  I love her, she hAs AmAzing hAir. But sometimes I hAte her. #sorrynotsorry I cAn't believe whAt she Admires. Sometimes I'm sorry for her. 

Until next week, -Teggy 

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