25 May, 2014

PLL~Pretty Little Liars

Soooo.... Welcome to SWP:) Sorry for not posting last week but I was very busy and sorry, really<3 As you know this week we're talking about Pretty Little Liars, because tbh that show made us friends(PLNG) I don't want to have long intro because you're not here to read that, so let's go:D

❤So I really don't know hot to start but I'll just go with how I found out for PLL and I'll just find inspiration I guess lol. So,two years ago my friend told me for Pretty Little Liars and I was like oh, okaz, just another boring tv show and I didn_t start watching it because I tought it is boring(Mz biggest mistake). So that is when I found out about them but I didn?t start to watch them then. So one Saturday or Sunday I really don't remember I come back from swimming competiton and I went watch tv and as usual on Croatian tv we don't have a lot of intresting things so I saw Pretty Little Liars on one channel, it was on half from first season I think lol. Don't judge me, I can't remember everything! So I start watch it for every weekend(it was only at weekendsin Croatia) and then we(Cro fans) that Mona is -A and done. They stop with Prettly Little Liars then. Just because I wasn't so obssesed with PLL I didn't watch it online. Not until a year ago. Then I start watching it online. From very first episode. And just because I saw everything for the first time I found how this show is actually perfect. So when I start watching it I start watching for PLL pages on Facebook and I found Croatian one where everything started. So I was really curios about PLL and there I found a lot of pictures and spoilers and I found friends, thet's ebst of all. So I can still remember when I was fan how Cor and I have small fight haha But later I become admin on that page and that page is my everything and if fans from that page are reading this now I love you so much much and sorry for not being active but you know.. Finals are here! So let's back to PLL... I want to share with you 'What PLL taught me' and I was thinking about that yesterday and tehre was so many things, but know my brain is off, but I'll try.(I actually have 4 of them on my draw so yeah)
1.You don't have to be perfect at everything and it's okay to make mistakes.
2. Sometimes you have to forgive and forget.
3.Never give op on something, or somebody if that means so much to you
4. Be yourself and never be ashamed of that.
5.Not to care what other think
6. Love limitless
7. With a good foundation you can build anything
8. Sometimes things don't wprk out how you want
9. You need to get know people before you lodge to them
10. Things aren't always what they seen.
So I can't wait till June 10-th because OMG. I am so happy for Alison and I am so sad for Ezra and Aria and I can't even talk omfg hahah So just because I don't like reading spoilers I don?t know what to except from PLL(I know Ezra will survive), but let's be honest. Spoilers are shit. It's more intresting to watch without knowing what will happen and things like that.
So, know to cast... My favourite characters are Emily, Alison, Toby and Caleb, they are just perfect<3

❤My english is soooo bad. #sorrynotsorry
❤Follow me on instagram(@petrap222) and on Tumblr http://petrap222.tumblr.com/
Well, pretty Pezz's people that's it for today, and my laptop just start crashing and I can't write this normal so yeah.. Hope you like it and see ya in 7 days in SWP (Sundays with Pezz)

xoxo, Pezz

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