08 May, 2014

Turn your back to bullies

People say 'It's my mouth, I can say what I want'. Well, that's wrong. You have no right to hurt someone, to insult them. Sticks and stones may brake bones but tongues break hearts. Bullying is a thing we see every day. Insults like 'fat','anorexic','stupid','hoe' etc. can ruin anyone's life. I don't have experience with being bullied but one of my classmates does so I'm gonna tell you her story.
She's been chubby from the 1st grade. She wasn't bullied then cause boys from our class weren't such jerks then. It began in 4th or 5th grade. Boys laughed and pointed fingers at her saying 'You're so fat, you won't be skinny even if you eat nothing for 10 years!' and such. I remember a few months ago she skipped class cause she wasn't feeling well. The troublemaker in our class said 'She's probably eating steaks now, getting fatter.' I'm not very good friends with her like 'Let's hang out', we only saw each other in school so I don't know if she cried, cut herself ( I hope not )... but I'm sure she was sad and felt bad. But today she wasn't paying attention to them, she turned her back to them and laughed at reces.

Forget about them, they are just jealous. Just ignore them. Yeah it's easy for me to say cause I've never been bullied. Just remember: You're not fat - God loves you so much he decided to supersize you. You're not anorexic - you are meant to be a model. You're not stupid - you just don't like to show off your knowledge. And don't cut yourself. Wrists are for bracelets not for cuting. And when you want to die, remember that will be victory for the bad guys. And there's someone that'll miss you when you're gone. God put you here because he has a reason. In crossbow, before you shoot the arrow you have to pull it back. So when life pulls you back that's because it's gonna shoot you into something great. I hope this helped if you're bullied or you have bullied friends this'll help. 'til next Thursday xoxo-Lora

1 comment:

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