16 May, 2014

They are my parents,they supposed to understand

Hello people :)
We all choose themes every week. So I´ve picked this theme parents because may is something like mothers month by christiants. And I tought all would honestly say what they love but what they hate in theirs parents. I´d like to say all the best about my parents but I just can´t. My parents did a pretty horrible things to me and I was really, and I´m still really upset about that. My parents can be good but they try really hard not to be.

I cry almost every day because of them. I like when they are happy but I hate when I realised that they are acctually happy when I´m not there. When I´m there, they are always upset. I´ve learnd to deal with them somehow. But it is still very difficult. I can´t stand the idea of my parents walking around and hateing me. I just can´t. I cry every day because of them. I´m trying not to but I just can´t I have to I just I just thought that that they shoud understand. They are my parents. Shouldn´t they understand? My dad is a really good men but my mother have a big influence on him. He use to be my best friend. He understand. I´m very similar to him. I´m acctually just the same as he is. I´m shy, don´t care for people who don´t love me, love to be alone, love to listen rock music, I´m wild but very quiet person and many people would be suprised when they would meet me in person, meet real me. I sometimes think that´s why my mom and he hates me so much. Because they know what  they´ve been trough and they don´t want me to be just like them. But they can´t help there. I am who I am, I am just like they raised me and they just had to know that not to try change everything again. Because now it´s to late for change. My mom is very strict person. She always wants that all be perfect. That I be perfect. She affect to my dad too much. She always keep walking and talk ˝I´m so angry˝ , ˝I have a headache from you˝ all the time. Sometimes I just think that it her habbit and she just talks that even when she is not angry. The worst is what they´ve always understand my sister but they never understand me. They´ve always wanted from me to be perfect but I´m sorry but I´m just not. And they acctually broke me even more with theirs anger and shouting at me every single day even when it´s not my fault. They always the most my mom find some mistake or they made it and shout and I´m really scared sometimes to open the gate of my house because I know they´re waiting for me. I am sometimes really frightened of my own parents. I´m so lucky that with me lives my grandmother and grandfather. I really love them. I don´t know what would I do if I must live only with my parents. I´m crying every day what would I do if they are not here. I would probably be in I don´t know some hospital for retarded because I will get crazy from crying. I listen to other people and stories about their parents and I admire them very much. Especially that one who are best friends with their mom or dads. I can say to you, you are happy person. I know that I should never talk bad about my parents but I just can´t lie. And I don´t want to lie. I think that parents should talk to you about your problems not judge you for no reason. And mine do the exact opposite they judge me for everything, even for that I´m not fault. They want me to be perfect. I know that I said that before but that´s so true. Nobody is perfect so neither do I. My parents are maybe sometimes right but they really don´t know how to express that. They always made me cry, I can´t be perfect, I just can´t. I´m born to be real not perfect. They are my parents. Shouldn´t they accept me for who I am? I mean they are my parents. They are not bad but they just don´t understand everything. I swear I will never be like my parents. My daughter or son will be my best friend. I will always listen to gim or her. And I will always try to help and understand, not like my parents only judge and shout and not listen to anybody. When I want to say something they just said ˝oh now you are answering to me˝and if I´m quiet they say ˝oh you just know to be quiet as always˝ and I am like ˝what do you want? I can´t this anymore.˝
I cried a river while I was writeing it. And for the end just to say if you are parents never be like mine, your children would truly hate you and feel very hurt every day, cry in room and hide everything from you. If you are a child, you´re happy not to have this kind of parents. They are one oft he worsest but of course there are many many worser cases. Do you have problematic parents or do you enjoy spending time with parents? Be free to leave a comment.


  1. Finally,somebody who understand me!
    Everyone is like "my parents are best i love them soo much"
    hmm,lucky them
    My parents are like,5 minutes "looving me" and 1 year wishing that i dont exist :P
    I mean,they are good parents but they are in bad mood like ALWAYS and then they blow it off on me :')

  2. I know exactly how are you feeling. All are always like my parents are the best and I‘m like OMG only I have parents who wants that I don‘t exist literally. They‘ve always thought that I‘m theirs mistake and my sister is not. And I have to be perfect or I fail. But I‘m keep failing and they keep hateing me. ~Herkules
