24 May, 2014

PLL - Just a show or something much more?

Hi guys,I bet you missed me haha! Sorry for not posting anything last week because I was soo busy, but I'm back with a theme which I'm so glad we choosed :)
This is why our blog is callled like this, this is why we met

I don't even know where should I start from now. One lame stupid day I was so pissed and went on my computor to search some series online. I saw four absolutely gorgeous girls and above them it said 'Pretty Little Liars'. Just the name was so interesting and I was already in love with it. It was the begining of the 3rd season so I started to watch it. I literally couldn't look away. The next day I had a huge exam but I couldn't look away. I watched 5 episodes in one night and I became obsessed at the same moment lol. I went on facebook and started to search for PLL pages and I found a Croatian one. That's when it all started. At first I was just a fan but I was so curious about the show and spoilers and actors so I've been boring to the admins every day lol. But one admin became so close to my heart, and she's sharing this blog with me.Helena. I couldn't believe how close we are and how one show can make us best friends,sisters actually.I became an admin later on that page and met other awesome fans (Cor,Lora and Mia) and 2 new admins (Pezz and Tonka). This is us, Pretty Little Nutella Girls.I've now fallen out of the main theme but I hope you got the point here. Without PLL I wouldn't know these 6 chicks today. To get back on the theme, I fucking can't wait for June 10th alreadyyyy altough on that date I'm having my piano exam but who the hell cares, PLL IS BACK!!! To be honest, I'm not actually that glad Alison's alive (you can kill me) because I've never liked her anyway. She's so mean and bitchy and ugh,I don't think she changed. And Ezra was never someone important to me in the show but now when he got shot I was actually so shocked!! And the scene when Aria was holding him it just...I just hope everyone will work out things altough Mar said that S5 will be the most twisted season ever!! (Talking about that, she mentioned Spencer will again do some shit OR other will do some shit to her!!! I'm telling this cuz you know she's my baby and if something happens to her I'm not responsible for my crimes lol.) Soo what do I have to add...yup, my favourite charachter is Spencer (which makes Troian Bellisario my biggest idol and role model, one more awesome thing that happened to me because of PLL) ,my favourite ship is Spoby, I don't like Alison but that's nothing new you didn't already know ha.But you know what's the funny part? I'm not that obsessef with the question WHO IS A? haha. I guess that's it, just wanted to mark it here that I'm a proud Liar and I will be even if they make 100 seasons. 

And now I have a few questions for YOU Little Liars out there_
Who do you think shot Ezra?
Where the hell has Alison been all this time?
Do Melissa and Jason have to do something with the -A thing?
Who is Uber -A?
That's it, sorry if this post was a bit lame to you,I still love you all. <3
Till next Saturday, xoxo, -Lans

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