05 May, 2014

Stop bullying!

Teggy's here! :D This week's theme is bullying. I won't talk long in introducing I'll start.

I had a friend who was my BFF. We were BFFs until this year. We talked about Disney, PLL, life and other stuffs. I had feeling will be BFFs forever, but then everything changed. I don't know what happened but she started with bullying and offenses on Ask and Facebook. It was horrible. I was in fear. I didn't know what to do but then I remembered my favorite TV show. I remembered Alison. She always say to everybody everything what she thinks about them, but I'm unfortunately not like she. I remembered Emily, too. She is strong, but I'm not, too. I cry for everything. :'( I said: "Teggy, you can do it, just remember Ali and Em and everything will be better." I went to her in school, but then L stopped me and said that professor needs me. I forgot. When I came home I opened my Ask and I saw her questions, actually bad words about me. She told that I am coward. It really hurts me. Next day I didn't told her anything I just neglected her. And I neglected her and I neglect her. She hurt me but I continue with my life and it's better. I am happy now, but memories will never be delete. Do you have some bullying experience in your life? Comment below. Follow me on Instagram: @pll_insta_facts Your, ~Teggy

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