29 May, 2014


Hey, Lora here! This is a story about my friendship and friends.

When I was little, just a toddler, I played with my cousin. He's a boy and he's younger than me. There are only boys in my street (today there are girls but they are like 7 years old). And I played boy games: I was a goalkeeper in football and I played with toy cars.
In kindergarten I was a great friend with 3 girls, let's call them E, M and H. Nothing special happened in kindergarten except E and I had a crush on the same boy but that's not very important. Frankly, I don't remember much from kindergarten.

In primary school M and H were BFFs and E and I were, too. The four of us were still friends but we had our two groups. I met some other cool girls in primary school (which I'm still in). Then, In 6th grade I met these girls and my life got better. Karla got me in and I'm very thankful for that. She is like my twin. We met over a 1D FB page and found out we have the same interests and we're very similar (and then she got me in PLNG and then I got the best nickname ever). We had our ''thing'': We put the initials of our ''Bitchy Fake Friends'' into one word that E took for her story without asking. This may be nothing to you but I was disappointed. I told her I don't want to be friends with her anymore and she was like ''What did I do? I didn't do anything, it's all because PLNG. Ever since you met them you are different. It's all their fault.'' Then I snapped. Nobody talks about my friends like that.

And here comes something I told only Lana and Petra...
I never thought someone so messed up and weird could find someone like them. And then I met Karla. We were so alike it was unbelievable. I was so happy I have her as a friend. And she was my everything, she still is. I felt a strong connection to her, like she's my sister but then Petra and Karla started calling each other twiny (we had a bonding week where we got to know each other better). And then I felt lonely again. I felt I was losing her (I know I don't own her). Her comments, messages and replies didn't seem real. I felt like I was texting a robot, a computer with no feelings. Of course I was jealous but I was happy she found someone who understands her. But I lost that someone who understands me. And her ''Love ya Lora <3'' seemed fake, like a lie, like she didn't mean it. I may have overreacted but I cried. I cried because I lost her. I cried because every Karla's and Petra's ''twiny <3'' text to each other teared my heart apart. I remember when she said to me, during bonding week, ''Dude, we should be sisters.'' Yeah, we should have been. But you choose Petra to be your twin. And I felt replaced, like she didn't care about me anymore. I remember when I met her face to face. I thought my pupil is gonna cover my whole eye cause it gets bigger when you get excited. Meeting her face to face was the best thing ever, it was the best day of my life.

Karla and Petra stopped from time to time but then a girl showed up. We'll call her B. She was the new Petra. Except I never liked B but I like Petra. It was like she stole Karla from us. Karla was rarely with us, she was spending most of her time with B. And B was all she talked about. It was just ''B this, B that...''. I wanted to comment her pic but then I saw B already did and I didn't want to comment after her cause it would look like she comes first and I come second. And that's how I felt - replaced, pushed to the second place. I'm not forbidding her to have friends but that's how I felt, and Petra felt the same. So we made a couple of plans, some to test does she still care about us and some of them to get her back. One of them was to make her jealous but that plan didn't work. I was sad cause I have politics ''If she's not jealous of your friendship with another girl, she doesn't care'' (yes, it's stupid but that's how my brain works). Yesterday, we told her nothing what we said was real, that we made plans and we got in a fight with her. We fought for an hour or so and when I said ''You replaced us!'' she said ''NEVER, EVER!!!'' And then I cried. Call me a crybaby but I find that very touching and I cried for like half an hour.

PLNG is made of 7 girls, but I'm attached to one.
If I had to pick a favorite I'd choose her.
I get easily jealous, especially when it comes to her.
She understands me, she's like my twin.
I wish she is, I wish she lives in the house next to mine.
So we can go to school together and hang out every day.
And I mean hang out like face to face, not over Facebook.
I wish we have that sisterly relationship Helena and Lana have.
I love all of my sisters but when it comes to that one...
I didn't want to write a lot about PLNG cause you know were BFFs.

If you need friendship advice (I've been said I give great advices)
or you have some for me, feel free to comment :)

'Till next Thursday,

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